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  • The connector can be attached to the long rod at different heights. This changes the sound characteristics of the Windsinger. It is best to simply try it out.
  • Please only turn the screws carefully. The threads in the end caps are made of plastic and can be overtightened if too much force is used.

Assembling the Windsinger

In the video below we show you how to assemble the Windsinger. Please be careful with the fiberglass rods. Particularly at the cut edges, hair-thin fibers may come loose and bury themselves in your skin as unpleasant splinters.

  1. Open the lid of the cardboard tube on the side where the sticker is located.   
  2. Pull out the long rod with the handle, the short rod, the small paper bag with the Allen key and the end cap and the note with the safety instructions.   
  3. Insert the short center rod into the connector so that a cross is formed with the long rod.   
  4. Place the end cap on the end of the short rod at the same angle as the other side's cap and carefully tighten the screw.   
  5. Align the short center rod so that the guide rails of the end caps are in line and the rod is approximately centred in the connector. Now carefully tighten the screw of the connector.   
  6. Finally, place the elastic band over the guide rails of the end caps and the peg on the handle.   
  7. Done!

Playing the Windsinger

There is not much to see here at the moment. We plan to gradually add more inspiring videos here showing some playing techniques and possibilities.


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DAN MOI World Music Instruments

Clemens Voigt & Sven Otto GbR

Grassdorfer Str. 52

04425 Taucha, Germany